Local Food For Schools Funding Webinar
- What
- Local Food For Schools Funding Webinar
- When
- 3/15/2023, 2:00 PM – 4:00 PM
- Where
- https://us02web.zoom.us/w/84228006566?tk=fV-MOvBAkt6Pkr7GZYRO_ylMNTQrMxNyoV7AEB5jYwI.DQMAAAATnGFiphY4c21JeWRaMFRpNjZqUF9RREdyUVpBAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA&pwd=N3Vrak83eVBmamNRbS9CM2x2UVFvUT09&uuid=WN_pC_JHBrASXqSy6pVnwD_Sg
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Please click this URL to join. https://us02web.zoom.us/w/84228006566?tk=fV-MOvBAkt6Pkr7GZYRO_ylMNTQrMxNyoV7AEB5jYwI.DQMAAAATnGFiphY4c21JeWRaMFRpNjZqUF9RREdyUVpBAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA&pwd=N3Vrak83eVBmamNRbS9CM2x2UVFvUT09&uuid=WN_pC_JHBrASXqSy6pVnwD_Sg
Passcode: 339172
Description: Webinar to inform schools of the Local Food For Schools Funding opportunity.
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Webinar ID: 842 2800 6566
Passcode: 339172
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